Satcom on the Move
In Cooperation with Turksat
Turksat Uydu Haberlesme Kablo TV ve Isletme A.S. (Turksat Company) is one of the world's leading companies providing all sorts of satellite communications through the satellites of Turksat as well as other satellites. Providing services for voice, data, internet, TV, and radio broadcasting through satellites across a wide area extending from Europe to Asia, Turksat can provide flexible solutions aimed at customers' needs in regions with no terrestrial infrastructure available. Bringing different languages and cultures together through its global solutions in satellite communications, Turksat provides cable broadcasting services for its domestic subscribers through its existing cable infrastructure. Furthermore, Turksat operates the e-Government Portal within the scope of its information services and conducts projects to provide public services electronically.
Below you will find Turksat's 4 solutions for Satcom on the move for Ka-Band communication.